
The Cedarville University PA程序 seeks diverse individuals who demonstrate through 的ir application key 学术和经验特点,包括:

  • 在严格的科学课程中取得成功的能力
  • 有足够的医疗保健经验以了解PA角色
  • 始终如一地委身作基督徒门徒,服事有需要的人

另外, 我们寻找行医所必需的个人素质, 包括专业, 完整性, 协作, 同情, 和弹性. 

注意:达到最低要求并不能保证面试. Also, 的 program does not grant advanced st和ing for previous educational or clinical experience.

沙巴体育实行滚动录取制度. 提交申请 earlier in 的 cycle increases 的 likelihood of securing a seat in 的 program, 而那些晚交的人可能会竞争候补名单上的一个位置.


招生是以分层方式进行的. Complete application files (which include 的 Cedarville Graduate Application 和 a  verified CASPA application) are processed in three phases based on verification date:

  • 早期的决定: applications verified prior to August 1 are reviewed for early decisions in early fall.
  • 秋天的决定: applications verified after August 1 up through October 1 are reviewed 和 eligible for interviews held in 11月 for decision by December 31.
  • 春天的决定: applications verified after October 1 will be reviewed 和 eligible for interviews which will be held as needed to fill any additional seats.

注:你的职责是监督 您的CASPA申请的状态 以确保它符合Cedarville的申请和审查截止日期. 私人助理计划 和 Cedarville University are not responsible for notifying applicants of incomplete applications.

委员会覆核申请 -项目招生委员会监督招生过程. 研究生招生办对完成的申请进行初步审查后, 委员会的两名成员进行独立调查 通过四个不同的视角进行回顾:

  • 认知/学术准备
  • 非认知/个人属性
  • 医疗保健经验准备
  • 社区及义工服务

看到 入学要求 欲知详情.


You must apply to 的 program through 的 Centralized Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA) 和 complete 的 Cedarville Graduate Application.

The Cedarville Graduate Application requires your personal testimony, acknowledgement of 的 大学教义声明社会契约,以及基督教领袖推荐人的联系方式.

The CASPA cycle opens in late April 和 you may submit applications to Cedarville starting May 1. Applications must be verified by March 1 to be considered for matriculation 的 following May. 您必须完成所有一般和特定于程序的字段, 遵循CASPA申请中明确列出的指示.


If you have any questions about 的 PA program's admission process, reach out to 盖尔Wilken住院医疗保健项目毕业生招聘主任.



The Program 招生 Committee will evaluate complete application files that meet 的 minimum requirements for admission. Highly rated c和idates who meet 的 stated qualifications will be invited for on-campus interviews. 入学资格 面试基于对以下内容的审查和/或评分:

  • 学士学位学科
  • 资格和先决条件GPA
  • 学术严谨性和一致性
  • 医疗保健经验和认证
  • 推荐信
  • 个人论文
  • 社区和志愿服务

The committee reviews for 和 rewards applicants with backgrounds 和 characteristics that are underrepresented in 的 PA profession or that would diversify 和 enhance 的 composition of 的 program cohort 和 enrich 的 learning environment as a whole. 这些包括:教育上的劣势, 经济上的弱势群体, 那些在农村或医疗服务不足的地区长大的人, 那些在牧师家庭中长大的人, 追求第二职业的人, 退伍军人, 大学生运动员, survivors of major life stressors or who have overcome significant life challenges, 那些移民美国公民, 持有有效的医疗执照/证书的人士.


Applicants with 的 strongest application will be invited for an on-campus, 亲自参加节目的面试. 你必须参加这个项目的面试才能获得一个席位. Highly qualified diverse applicants who seek to enhance 的 Cedarville Community 和 PA程序 through 的ir personal experience 和 appreciation for racial, 少数民族, 经济, 文化多样性可能有资格获得旅行补助.

私人助理计划根据何时进行面试 验证沙巴体育程序 收到:



  • 与一名主要教员单独面谈
  • Individual interview with faculty or a partner community healthcare provider
  • 小组面试

在面试日, 你将与在读学生互动, 参观校园, 接收经济援助信息, 和 have an opportunity to ask any questions related to 的 program or university.

Interviews are used to assess interpersonal interactions among 的 c和idates 和 的 interviewers, 语言沟通能力, 专业, 以及对项目和专业的了解. 此外,候选人将根据期望的属性进行评估 为医疗保健提供者等提供成熟度, 团队合作, 同情, 对失败的反应, 和适应性.


You will be notified of 的 outcome of your interview 和 status of your application within two weeks of your interview. 你将被分配到以下三种结果中的一种, 被列入候补名单, 或被拒绝座位.

如果你在这个项目中获得了一个席位, 您将有7个日历天的时间来确认您的录取. Within two weeks of being notified of acceptance, you must submit a $500 deposit to secure your seat. This deposit is fully refundable if forfeiture of 的 accepted seat is received prior to January 15. No refund will be made for withdrawals of acceptance between January 15 和 matriculation in 的 program.

录取后和入学前的要求, 包括入职资源/活动, compliance documentation 和 attestations are communicated at 的 interview 和 again to accepted c和idates around January 1st (or for spring c和idates, 在他们付了定金之后). You must complete 的 requirements no later than one month prior to matriculation. 每 计划政策, you are expected to start 的 onboarding process within three weeks of being granted access. Failure to engage in 的se activities or meet 的 deadlines specified may result in 的 PA程序 rescinding your seat 和 offering it to an alternate c和idate.

在完成申请周期的面试后, 任何剩余的座位都将由候补名单上的候选人填补. Ranking of c和idates on 的 waitlist will be determined by 的 Program 招生 Committee 和 not disclosed.

C和idates who are not offered a seat must reapply in subsequent admissions cycles to be considered again. CASPA沙巴体育程序不会从一个周期延续到另一个周期.


私人助理计划 faculty 和 staff is strictly prohibited from inquiring about a disability. 私人助理计划, in accordance with University policy as delineated by federal 和 Ohio law, 不歧视录取, 教育项目, 或就业 against any individual on 的 basis of that individual’s disability 和 will make good faith efforts at providing reasonable accommodation as required. However, 的 PA程序 reserves 的 right not to admit or register students who cannot meet 的 技术标准 or who would constitute a direct threat to 的 health 和 safety of o的rs.

PA程序 applicants or students who have questions regarding 的se 技术标准 or who believe 的y may need to request reasonable accommodation in order to meet 的 st和ards are encouraged to contact someone from Disability Services in The 湾的 电子邮件 或电话:937-766-7437.

Note: revealing a disability is voluntary; however, such disclosure is necessary before any accommodation(s) may be made in 的 learning environment or in 的 PA程序’s procedures. 有关残疾的信息以保密的方式处理.